Your choice of free-range eggs, Cornish back bacon, local sausages & hogs pudding, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes & beans.
Mini Blue Seas – Same as above but smaller!

Scrambled eggs with crispy bacon
Scrambled eggs with roasted & smoked salmon
Choice of omelette: Cheese, fresh herbs or mushrooms
Boiled egg & soldiers
Bacon Sandwich – crispy Cornish bacon on a choice of bread
Sauteed field mushrooms with poached egg & bacon
Poached eggs with a choice of avocado, spinach, grilled tomatoes or bacon
Eggs Benedict with smoked salmon or crispy bacon
Toasted bagel with cream cheese & smoked salmon
Summer berry crunch – homemade granola, red berries, Greek yoghurt, honey & nuts
Hot pancakes served with maple syrup & red berries or bacon
Porridge with golden syrup, honey, cinnamon or nuts
*Locally smoked haddock fillet served with a poached egg and beurre blanc sauce
*Kedgeree- smoked haddock, mushrooms, eggs, parsley & saffron rice
* Please order in advance

Your choice of free-range eggs, grilled vegetarian sausages, grilled halloumi, mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach, potatoes & baked beans.